

Here are some of thge skills i used while creating my website.

Skills i used

Skills i used for my website

Lucy Daly D00265855@student.dkit.ie
Software 1 - html html is the main foundation used to make my website. html allowed me to control the work in my website and connect all the parts of the website together
Software 2 - CSS The CSS Stylesheet helped me to structure my website it works along html and helps define the visual apperance of the website
Software 3 - other design applications I also used Photopea and photoshop as other applications to edit my images that i took to include in my website and i used photopea to design the logo for my website
Software 4 - colour theory I wanted my website to be appealing in colour to the reader and i didnt want the colours to clash so i used yellow/orange colour scheme and a light blue colour for the navigation bar.
Software 5 - Patience I want to add patience into the list of skills i used as i feel like while during this project i reaaly needed it, It took me so much time to come up with my logo design and to learn how to use my laptop properly, as i have never owned my own laptop before it was really hard for me to figure out visual studio code so i watched many youtube videos on how to use it with the specific laptop that i have as i found using vs code on my laptop was much more dificult than using it on the college computers.

thank you for reading

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