
About Us!

Cool Cheese was established in 2023 by Lucy Daly selling a rage Irish cheese and supplying many stores with fresh produce such as Tesco and Dunnes Stores. Our products will soon be available to order right here on our website keep an eye out on our social media pages @coolcheeseireland for details!

Cool Cheese Partners

Click the links below to see where to buy our Cool Cheese products and to see soem cool recipes too!

Our Cheese

Class Cheddar
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Our Class Cheddar is made with freshly sourced local ingredients. Cheddar Cheese Origionally originates from the English village of Cheddar in Somerset southwest England.

During manufacture of cheddar, the curds and whey are seperated using rennet, an enzyme complex normally produced from the stomachs of newborn calves, while in vegetarian or kosher cheeses, bacterial, yeast or mould-derived chymosin is used.

Our Cheese

Excellent Edam
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Our Excellent Edam is made with fresh irish cow milk. Did you know that it originated in the Netherlands? and is named after the town of Edam.

Most Edam cheese sold in stores has a very mild flavour, slightly salty, and almost no smell when compared to other cheeses. as the cheese ages, its flavour sharpens and it becomes firmer. Modern Edam is softer than other cheese such as cheddar cheese, because of its low fat content.

© Cool Cheese 2024 - college project