Get to Know Lucy

Lucy Daly

My Name is Lucy Daly. I am 19 years old. I am currently studying Creative Media in DKiT, I am in first year. I love drawing and photography and my course includes lots of this. this webiste will be a first look at some of the pieces i have done this year!

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Digital Drawings by Lucy

Drawing 1 - shoe drawn on illustrator

For this drawing i used photoshop to edit the picture of my shoe then i imported the picture into illustrator and used the image trace tool to trace over the image then usibg the pen and eraser tools to clean up the drawing.

Lucy Daly

Digital drawing

Drawing 2 - Snake

For this drawing i used illustrator tools to create the drawing of the snake, i originally drew a sketch of the snake on a piecec of paper, then used a scanning machine to scan my drawing to transfer it onto the computer so i could draw it.

Lucy Daly